Monday, June 29, 2009

Here's to 13.

It's hard to believe that 13 years ago today Frank and I were married. I ask myself, "Where has the time gone"? When people see our wedding picture they always ask me if it was legal that we were married. Don't hate-- it was the 90's.

Yesterday I was asked what my passion was... I hadn't expected it but I got very emotional as I spoke about the passion I have for my children and for Frank. I flashed backwards in my mind and saw all the images, moments and memories of our life together and what struck me the most was the reality that it wasn't just on June 29, 1996 that Frank chose to spend his life with me, but it is a choice that he renews daily. I am humbled and amazed with the reality that he chooses me each and every day and more often than not he chooses me despite the fact that I am not always shiny and pleasant-- in fact, I can be quite difficult to live with. Thanks Frank for choosing me every day for the last 13 years. I look forward to 4745 more days with you!!

1 comment:

laurie said...

Happy Anniversary! Much love and prayers for you both.