Saturday, February 11, 2006


Here are some favorite pictures that I have of Isabelle. Posted by Picasa

Friday, February 10, 2006

 Posted by Picasa
Starting Fresh

I have a really hard time thinking of things to blog. I always think that my entries need to be deep and insightful... unfortunately I don't always have deep and insightful thoughts-- most of the time, but not always ;). So I just don't write anything. I'd like my friends to start coming back and visiting my blog and at this point they have no reason to, because there is never anything new to look at. So I decided it's time to start fresh and to just share my life as complex or simple as it seems.

I feel like i've been in a cave for the last two years. It's been a pretty dark time in my life, but today with the sun shining I am hopeful and feel refreshed as the sun washes over all my meloncholy. I pray for a new perspective and outlook from this day on out. One that helps me to focus on what is important in life, to let go of past hurts and regrets and to feel a very strong sense of God's redemption and hope.

My beautiful daughter will be turning two next month. Although the past two years have been difficult; these past two years have brought me some of the deepest joys through watching my daughter grow. It's easy to take advantage of all those little moments. Having a relationship with her has taught me so much about myself and I pray that I can always see her for who she is and all her potential. She is such a beautiful girl with so much life and enthusiasm. I'm thankful that God has given me the gift to share her life with her.