Monday, January 10, 2005

Confessing Faith

Last night our church had a baptism service. It's the second baptism service i've been a part of at Quest and I have to say that it is my favorite service here. Six men and women shared their faith story and made a public declaration of their faith in Christ Jesus. What an honor to sit among these men and women and hear how God has and is transforming their lives. It really does speak to the mystery of the Holy Spirit and how even when we don't tangibly see it or recognize it He is working on our behalfs. All the while, we are concerned with the trivial worries of life God is weaving His grace and mercy amongst our very souls. That truth is a wonderful reality. Hearing each of these stories, each of these journeys inspires great hope in the Gospel of Christ. Every time I have the opportunity to share in this baptismal experience I think there is something deepening me and compelling me to further seek God's face... even in the monotony of life. I realized life is not monotonous, because something wonderful and mysterious is always finding His presence in our very hearts. That could never be monotonous... It is a miracle of God's divine purpose for every human heart.