Monday, January 31, 2005

My Girl.

I put Isabelle in her play pen so that she could drink her juice and then I heard her quietly playing. So I decided to peak in and watch her. I stood there for such a long time. I am so amazed at the little girl that she is becoming. In about a month, my girl will be a year old. It seems she was just born. I keep thinking back to that day on March 3, 2004 when I first came face-to-face with her. She is truly lovely. Every nuance that she picks up and displays leaves me speechless. What a gift of grace she is in our lives!

The other day I took her to gymboree class and (I'm trying to not sound biased) I think my girl is quite advanced for her age. In fact, I think we may need to move to the class up she seemed rather bored with the activities of this class. As I stated at her baby dedication she never fails to surprise me. She is funny, bright and oh so charming.

I'm so thankful for her. I'm thankful for how she enriches my life. I'm thankful that I get to be the one guiding her , caring for her and nurturing the person she will become. I pray that I do so with trepidation. I want to keep in mind that my choices have deeper implications to her life. I pray that God will lead me in this journey and that I will always be mindful of my need for His presence.

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