Tuesday, March 03, 2009


Today, this 3rd day of March Isabelle is five years old. It truly is hard to believe that it has been 5 years since we first met her. This morning I had the opportunity to share with Isabelle her birth story. I told her how she was two weeks over due and how we were so incredibly excited to meet her. I shared with her the very first time that we were face to face with her and how my heart swelled with so much pride, love & joy at the sight of her beautiful face and the sound of her amazing voice! I still remember that day as if it was just yesterday.

I have a few favorite days in my life: Isabelle's birth was one of my most favorite days. So getting the opportunity to celebrate her life, her hopes, her dreams and the person that she is shaping to be is very important to me.

Isabelle is really, truly a beautiful person with a kindred heart and a sweet spirit. She is concerned about those that around her and she deeply wants to understand how this whole God thing works and how it fits into her world day to day. We have incredibly deep conversations about theology and life. I am truly astounded by her curiosity and the questions that she poses to all that around her. She has a ferocious energy for life and is constantly moving and creating new concepts and ideas in her head. She absolutely loves to create and make art projects daily.

Today I asked Isabelle how she felt about being five and she said, "I'm very happy, Mom. I feel like an adult". Her goals for this year include honing in on her super-hero powers, taking up driving, walking to class by herself without her parents and continue being a good mother to Fancy, her pink & white cat.

Happy Birthday, Isabelle! We celebrate you today and always!


SuJ'n said...

She indeed is wonderful! Would she be willing to share her secrets once she figures out how to hone her super-hero powers? I've been trying to do that for 35 years!

jHong said...

isabelle is the BEST! man oh man, that girl has won my heart a million times over. you and frank have raised an incredible girl and it's no wonder that she's so thirsty for knowledge with parents like y'all. she is truly a gift to everyone she comes in contact with! fiona is a very lucky little sister.

Zadok said...

sweet, sweet, sweet. is it too late to ask you and Frank to be my godparents? let me know; you two are ace. congratulations.