Monday, February 11, 2008

"i'm caucasing!"

the title of this entry was a direct quote from my three (almost four) year old daughter who attended saturday's caucus with her father and i. so yes on saturday frank, isabelle and i headed over to the caucus on market street in ballard. it was the first caucus that we ever attended and it was definitely a learning experience.

we got to our precinct and learned that we had three times the participants in our precinct then four years prior. there was a ton of energy and people were pretty emotionally fired up and ready to argue their positions.

for those of you who haven't attended a caucus before the process looks something like this:

1) find your precinct
2) sign in and vote
3) after you've voted your free to go, but if you stay for the debates you have an opportunity to change your vote
4) break up into small group and debate your positions
5) get back into larger group and listen to presentations of all sides
6) opportunity to change your votes
7) a breakdown of the votes
8) break up into the category of the person you voted for
9) select delegates
10) go home

our small group experience was very intense. people were very passionate on all sides of the issues. and although, i didn't agree with all points it was an honor to hear people's voices and to see people feeling something for their country and wanted to see change come to our nation. at the end of it my husband was nominated to be an alternate delegate. represent!

the point in time that we are in is an exciting one... what a wonderful opportunity i will have to tell my kids and grandkids about how i was a part of this history where a man and woman were both running for president! we have a lot further to go, but i am so encouraged by the progress already being made and to have my small part in the process!

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