Friday, May 25, 2007

Bloggersphere and more...

So I committed to myself & to you (even though you didn't know it AND i'm not sure if there is a you because who knows who or if anyone reads this thing) to at least have one new blog entry a week. I felt I owed it to the world to get my thoughts out there. I have a distinct feeling that blogs should have meaning and purpose and a reason for being in cyberspace. Sometimes I don't know what the purpose of my blog is... I don't want to just blog about what I'm wearing and when my next big bowl of pho will be consumed... I want it to be meaningful and send a message of worthy publication... Somedays I don't write because maybe all I'd have to say is monotonous drivel and I think that the only one who would benefit from that post would be myself. As my thoughts pinged around in my head about the meaning of blogs (particularly mine) I realized it came from a deeper place inside me. Let's just say the blog is a metaphor for my life. So here I find myself writing a much more personal post about my fears and insecurities. Exciting stuff!

Maybe you too, can relate to this feeling? Can you or am I heading down this very slippery narcisstic slope towards peril? You know that feeling of worth and value? I definately don't want to be like some blogs out there-- without purpose, meaning and something of value to God and this world. But how do you reconcile the three: 1) those fears that are innately floating around in all of us, 2) the reality it's got nothing at all to do with you and your abilities and 3) the truth that God has created all of us with purpose and intent. How do you step out and risk the unknown praying that you're within His will to fulfill his greater commandments to love him and others? I think i've got some ideas on that-- something to do with faith-- maybe.


dan said...

This is funny--I like your internal, stream-of-consciousness blog. I recently was struggling with something similar--spewing out a bunch of stuff on my blog that I'm not sure is much good to anyone except me. I think, though, that we need to process the stuff that's inside us, in order to get to the insights that are more 'finished'. And it's not necessarily a bad thing to let people in on some of the process.

So, blog, I guess, is what I'm saying :)

Anonymous said...

but seriously, when are you going to have your next bowl of pho?

Jay said...

what's pho?

DeAnza said...

only the most amazing soup known to humankind-- no in all seriousness it's a vietnamese soup which is gaining ground in popularity especially here in seattle. if you haven't had it i highly recommend it...

Jay said...

Ok, I thought it was some type of gooey, marshmallowy, fudgey pudding like dessert. I was WAY off!