Thursday, February 17, 2005

Genesis 45

I absolutely love Joseph. This is my second time reading through Genesis and I have to say that the stories, the characters have come more alive to me than the first time through. I have a deeper appreciation, a deeper connection to the depravity, the brokenness and the blessing in each of these lives. As a result, I feel compelled to draw closer to our Father. I feel moved to trust more and seek more of His face.

That said, I want to get back to Joseph... Particularly the Joseph we read in Genesis 45. As I read about Joseph unmasking his identity to his brothers in this chapter I am struck by a number of different thoughts: 1) Joseph is extrodinarily wise. 2) He is amazingly gracious. 3) He loves God with his entire being and 4) He is absolutely passionate.

1) Joseph comes from a long lineage of family who struggle with discernment and wisdom. You see this time and again with Abraham and Isaac lying about their wives being their sisters. You see it in the way that Esau loses his birthright and blessing. You see it in Judah's relationship with Tamar. The men of this family had a hard time being obedient, staying faithful and trusting God. But Joseph is special... He has the hand of God's favor on his life. It is evident in how he wisely and appropriately uses his authority in this instance. Joseph could have easily abused his authority and killed his brothers, but he sees that even in their evil desires to destroy him God's will was being fulfilled. He sees that God's will is the most important aspect in his life... Not his pride, not the shame and humiliation he endured in prison, not the threat against his life... First and foremost, God's will.

2) Joseph could have continued the charade until they brought Jacob to him. He could have released the brothers and kept Benjamin just as he told them he would do until they brought back Jacob. But the reality is he loves his brothers... even in the painful memories of them leaving him to die and then selling him he deeply loves them. His heart is so close to the heart of God's. That even as we sling insults in God's face. Even when we rebel against His desires for our souls he weeps in grief because of his deep love for us.
Joseph could have killed his brothers or thrown them in jail or enslaved them for the rest of their lives because of the sins they committed against him, but he is so overwhelmed with grief and joy that he weeps over each one, kisses them and deeply embraces them.

3) Joseph is so faithful to God. I find it amazing that in every instance of temptation or in situations where he could exploit someone to elevate his status he surrenders himself to the will of God. In 45:8 he states, "So then, it was not you who sent me here, but God". What a way to get sent to do God's will... through the threat of death and then through the exploitation of slavery. Even then Joseph remains faithful to God's will... "the will to save people" (45:5). These are deep indications of his great love and fear for God.

4) Joseph is spilling over with passion. In any other circumstance, the person in Joseph's shoes would have quietly excused him/herself, locked him/herself in the privacy of their home and maybe share the intimate details with their spouse or closest friend, but Joseph excuses everyone to leave and weeps so loudly that everyone in Pharaoh's household hears him. He goes to each brother and weeps over each one, he kisses them, embraces them... he doesn't hold back his passionate cry from them... he exposes himself. In this culture, weeping over someone is the deepest symbol and sign of love for the recipient. You see this in other stories in the Bible. In the New Testament you see this with the woman who anoints God with perfume and wipes his feet with her tears and hair... The weeping over another is a sign of deepest affections.

These are just a few of my thoughts. Honestly, I could go on forever... But I guess my hope is that I can glean a few of these characteristic traits from Joseph. As a result of reading his story I am inspired to love passionately (God and others), offer grace to those who betray me, be aware of the truth that in every situation of my life (even the most painful) I must seek to press on and stay obedient to God's will and allow wisdom to guide all my steps.

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