Monday, May 15, 2006

A Dream...

Quest is beginning the process of a long, unfulfilled dream i've had of sending a team to Thailand. It is a very exciting time to think together what work can be done in this part of our world. It will be an opportunity to work with refugees from Burma, to work with sexually exploited children and to bring hope and a reminder that there is a God who remembers the people who have long begun this work on behalf of our fellow brothers and sisters.

The dream for me started four years ago when a co-worker began sharing with me the grim story of IDP's in Burma. And now the dream stands before me, as I anticipate how I might be involved. I hope and pray that I am one of the twelve that gets to be a part of this journey with other Questers and ultimately become a part of the larger story of my brothers and sisters on the other side of the world. Tonight I realized that my dream is just one of many... There are 40,000+ refugees dreaming to have a future. While we safely and quietly tuck ourselves a way into our beds tonight there are men, women and children on the other side of the world waking to a very grim existence... waking to another day praying and hoping that they too can have the security for their future, for their children and the generations to come. My dreams do not stand alone. The moon I sleep under is the same moon that will be on the other side of the world when I awake. And will be the same moon that people kneel under to pray a prayer that the God of this world would free them. And I realize that I do not know this prayer of freedom, because freedom, priviledge surround me while others so desperately fight to attain that peace of mind-- the peace of mind that they can protect themselves and their families. Tonight I pray, "God, hear their cries, stir our hearts and give us the courage to act on your love and grace.". Please join us in this prayer. Amen.